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Sanctuary - Ready for Worship

Important Guidance for our In-person Services - PLEASE READ


Although the Government has lifted most COVID restrictions we still believe that it is prudent to exercise caution when attending the sanctuary.

Therefore, myself and the Grace Tab Leadership team have decided that until further notice the following measures will remain in place when attending the Sanctuary for worship:

  • We respectfully ask that you use hand sanitiser when entering the sanctuary.  If you do not have your own, please feel free to use the hand sanitiser provided at the entrance.

  • Temperatures will be taken on arrival to safeguard all attendees.

  • It is no longer mandatory to wear a mask during the Service.  However, if you wish to, then please feel free to wear your own mask.  Masks will also be available at the entrance.

  • We have decided that for the time being as a general rule we will not greet each other with a handshake.  You can however do so with people / family within your ‘bubble’.

  • *It is extremely important that you DO NOT attend the sanctuary if you are feeling unwell or if you are required to self-isolate. *

  • If you are unable to attend the Service you can follow the Service on live via our website and click on the link

    *EVERYONE* is required to *kindly cooperate with the directions and instructions of the ushers* whilst in the building.



These measures are being taken to ensure that we can protect those who are vulnerable amongst us and to keep us all safe while the virus is still present.  We will continually review the situation and relax any outstanding restrictions when it is deemed safe to do so.

In the meantime, let’s continue praying for our Community and our Front-Line Workers who are doing such an outstanding job.  Let’s also focus on the fact that we are now able to return to the sanctuary to worship and praise the Lord, and share fellowship with one another.

God bless you all


Bishop Paul Reid and the GT Ministerial Team


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